A devastating incident unfolded in Montgomery, Alabama, this weekend as Judge Johnny Hardwick, presiding judge of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, was shot by his 36-year-old son, Khalfani Hardwick.
Details surrounding the shooting remain unclear, but authorities responded to a domestic violence call at Judge Hardwick's residence on Saturday afternoon.
Upon arrival, they found the judge suffering from serious gunshot wounds inflicted during an alleged assault by his son.
Khalfani Hardwick, who has a history of legal issues including a 2014 attempted murder charge, fled the scene but was later apprehended by authorities. He is currently facing charges of first-degree domestic violence assault and being a forbidden person in possession of a firearm.
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Judge Hardwick underwent emergency surgery and remains in critical condition. He is well-respected in the community for his efforts towards court system reforms and his dedication to youth programs. Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed expressed his sadness and wished Judge Hardwick a full recovery.
The investigation into the shooting is ongoing, and authorities have not yet released details about the possible motive. This tragic incident has left the community in shock and serves as a stark reminder of the complexities of domestic violence.
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